Wow. That was brutal. I wonder how doing this will affect Jasper, and how his reaction to taking a life will contrast with Maud’s.
Crikey Dick! Is Jasper related to the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?
I feel sorry for the rest of the gang…
Well, those buzzards at least have something to eat now!
Definitely one of the darker Jasper moments so far, too.
One down and gone…
You know?
Gang or no, ‘I’ would run away. Someone capable of that? NOT a good idea to get in the way of.
He just showed the whole gang what real brutality is. And if they are smart? They wo’t even think about shooting him in the back. It might make him mad.
Owl’s ghost: “Gee guys, Thanks for the help.
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Wow. That was brutal. I wonder how doing this will affect Jasper, and how his reaction to taking a life will contrast with Maud’s.
Crikey Dick! Is Jasper related to the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?
I feel sorry for the rest of the gang…
Well, those buzzards at least have something to eat now!
Definitely one of the darker Jasper moments so far, too.
One down and gone…
You know?
Gang or no, ‘I’ would run away. Someone capable of that? NOT a good idea to get in the way of.
He just showed the whole gang what real brutality is. And if they are smart? They wo’t even think about shooting him in the back. It might make him mad.
Owl’s ghost: “Gee guys, Thanks for the help.