Loving the colour work, dude. Makes it feel even more like an animated film. I wonder who this could be…?
>tfw there will never be a 90’s animated Jasper Gold movie animated by Warner Bros., Bluth, or Disney.
Bluth. Definitely a Bluth sorta thing. Maaaybe Warner Brothers, but Disney? I dunno, dude, they probably woulda wanted to turn it into a musical… then again, Bluth did his fair share of songs, too.
True. Or they’d probably change the story drastically and make Sammy the lead role so they can have a cowgirl princess on their roster.
Oho, looks like another possum! Question is, family or stranger? (or strange family-member? XD)
I caught myself wondering when Jasper will continue, and lo and behold! In color to boot, yay!
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Loving the colour work, dude. Makes it feel even more like an animated film. I wonder who this could be…?
>tfw there will never be a 90’s animated Jasper Gold movie animated by Warner Bros., Bluth, or Disney.
Bluth. Definitely a Bluth sorta thing. Maaaybe Warner Brothers, but Disney? I dunno, dude, they probably woulda wanted to turn it into a musical… then again, Bluth did his fair share of songs, too.
True. Or they’d probably change the story drastically and make Sammy the lead role so they can have a cowgirl princess on their roster.
Oho, looks like another possum! Question is, family or stranger? (or strange family-member? XD)
I caught myself wondering when Jasper will continue, and lo and behold! In color to boot, yay!
I try my best to keep my promises and keep the readers entertained, while constantly attempting to evolve my artwork. Glad to see you return!