Do a barrel roll!
*Gasp* A bloomers shot?! Simply scandalous! 😛
Also, is it wrong if I think Maud’s terror-face there is adorable?
Occam’s reaction is biologically pre-determined … and the vulture’s complaint is actually a more optimal result than the initial one from Maude’s perspective. Possums, after all, only like to PLAY dead.
way cute
Oh my gosh, Maude has very nice b-… kicking legs.
Beak kicking?
She’s crashing that vulture with no survivors!
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*Gasp* A bloomers shot?! Simply scandalous! 😛
Also, is it wrong if I think Maud’s terror-face there is adorable?
Occam’s reaction is biologically pre-determined … and the vulture’s complaint is actually a more optimal result than the initial one from Maude’s perspective. Possums, after all, only like to PLAY dead.
way cute
Oh my gosh, Maude has very nice b-… kicking legs.
Beak kicking?
She’s crashing that vulture with no survivors!